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Category: Building A Roller Coaster
In assisting a young enthusiast with the creation of a backyard roller coaster, I provided guidance for three fundamental aspects of the project: cart construction, support structures, and basic...
Easy Launch Drum Design Overview- Tilley’s Terror Backyard Coaster
I Need Your Help! Projects like this are expensive and take a while. I need help. I've created a YouTube Membership channel to help others design and build your own backyard coaster. Take a minute...
New Record Breaking Three Inversion Backyard Coaster – Tilley’s Terror
After a lot of thought and planning, I'm going to do it. After seeing the John Ivers' Blue Flash, I've wanted to make my backyard coaster with an inversion. After looking at a vertical...
Hopefully you all read that title with your best WWE announcer voice. Anyway, after the death of the Black Widow Backyard Roller Coaster due to failures in both PVC and ABS pipe failure, my kids...
Wouldn't it be cool to know who has made a backyard coaster? I thought it would be! This is just the start, but us backyard coaster nerds have to stick together. Do You Have a...
How I Designed My Backyard Roller Coaster Brake and Launch System
So we are reworking the Widow's Revenge to actually work. And we are getting close, very close. In the meantime, I wanted to show you the launch system and the brake needed to hold the cart in...