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Archives: Blog
Video-Smooth Roller Coaster Transitions Part 3: The Iterative Approach
Now that we have a way to determine the G forces at any point, we can use our existing point and the G force to calculate the next point. Get ready for some sweet rides and MATH! Calm down, I've...
Video-Designing Smooth Transitions for a Roller Coaster – Part 2
As we continue our journey on how to create buttery smooth transitions, we need to consider what the radius needs to be at any point and the corresponding velocity. Both of these are easily...
I was getting frustrated! This was the third time I was attempting to super glue my 3D printed prototype together and the glue just wasn't holding. In my younger years, I would have already smashed...
We've all been on them, jerky roller coasters that bounce you around. They are uncomfortable, un-enjoyable and you never want to ride them again. Well, there is some math we can do to get...
FREE Hydraulic Pump and Motor Pressure, Flow and Torque Calculator
I've had lots of fun creating this hydraulic pump and motor calculator! Unlike the other online calculators out there, this one allows you to select the inputs you want and then get the outputs...
Video-Causal Analysis of the Tay River Bridge Collapse: 1879
On December 28, 1879, 75 people lost their lives while traveling from Southern Scotland to Dundee when crossing the River Tay. The 55 - 72 mph sustained winds caused are part of the cause, but what...