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Category: Mechanical Launches
We're Getting Close! Nothing is standing in our way.....except all the things in this video. The biggest obstacles are the charging of the capacitors and the turning of the motor. They worked...
In part 4 of our journey to the world's Best Backyard Coaster, we encountered some issues with our capacitors. They are not charging evenly. So in order to get an accurate voltage rating of the...
We are moving forward on our launch system for Tilley's Terror. Our coaster launch, well at least the prototype, is taking shape as we are now able to move the launch dog on the track. Watch to see...
We are working on our launch system for our backyard coaster. This system will work similar to Top Thrill Dragster which is an hydraulic cable launch. We don't need quite as much horsepower, so we...
So after an eight month hiatus, I've finally freed up some time to work on Tilley's Terror, a three inversion backyard coaster. I've decided that to minimize risk and maximize my current coaster,...
Easy Launch Drum Design Overview- Tilley’s Terror Backyard Coaster
I Need Your Help! Projects like this are expensive and take a while. I need help. I've created a YouTube Membership channel to help others design and build your own backyard coaster. Take a minute...